Adri Jo Photo

{Baby Landon} Boise Newborn Photographer

Baby Landon's newborn session was so sweet. This precious little bundle of joy was not even two weeks 'young' when we did these photos. His parents love baseball and softball, so we had lots of fun with the baseball glove poses. To be honest, its hard to pick a favorite because they are all so darling!
Out of 87 finished pictures, it was hard narrow it down to 15 for this post :-)

If you are pregnant - schedule your newborn session in advance! Babies come on their own time table, but to ensure my availability, the sooner you schedule the better.

His little toes are so cute poking out the side of the basket. Like little berries for the pickin'. hehe
This hat was hand made by the baby's great-aunt.

 Baby Landon's parents held him so gently. They are absolutely smitten with him. <3

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